Apr 4, 2024

How will AI change our world? Rahul Krishnan launches podcast to explore technology’s impact on society

Research: Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, Disruptive Innovation
What now AI? With a picture of Beth Coleman and Rahul Krishnan

Dr. Rahul Krishnan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Computer Science at the University of Toronto launches a new podcast on Artificial Intelligence this week with colleague Dr. Beth Coleman, Associate Professor at U of T Mississauga’s Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology and the Faculty of Information.

Can we ensure safety and alignment within AI systems? How might AI forever transform fields like health care? What ripple effects could AI have on jobs and livelihoods, including in creative industries? 

They aim to explore – and demystify – these and other topics by tapping into the knowledge of leading AI experts in What Now? AI, a new U of T podcast.

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